Navigate to Activities

Learn how to navigate to Android activities with BELLATRIX mobile module.


Feature: Navigate to BELLATRIX Online Rocket Shop
	To purchase a new rocket
	As a Nuclear Engineer 
	I want to be able to buy a new rocket.

Given I use app with path AssemblyFolder\Demos\ApiDemos.apk
And I restart the app on test fail
And I use device with name android25-test
And I use Android version 7.1
And I use app package
And I use app activity .view.Controls1
And I open app

Scenario: Successfully Transfer Item
	When I navigate to main page
	And I transfer item Jupiter user name antares password secret
	Then I assert that keep me logged is checked
    And I assert that permanent trasnfer is checked
    And I assert that Jupiter right item is selected
    And I assert that antares user name is set


Given I use app with path AssemblyFolder\Demos\ApiDemos.apk
And I restart the app on test fail
And I use device with name android25-test
And I use Android version 7.1
And I use app package
And I use app activity .view.Controls1
And I open app

Depending on the types of tests you want to write there are a couple of ways to navigate to specific activity. If you use the predefined steps the first time the app is started it navigates to the specified activity.

I start activity .view.Controls1 from package

You can always navigate in each separate scenario, but if all of them open the same activity, you can use the above techniques for code reuse.