Execute Tests in CrossBrowserTesting

Learn to use BELLATRIX to execute Android tests in CrossBrowserTesting.


Feature: Navigate to BELLATRIX Online Rocket Shop
	To purchase a new rocket
	As a Nuclear Engineer 
	I want to be able to buy a new rocket.

Given I open Android app with path AssemblyFolder\Demos\ApiDemos.apk in CrossBrowserTesting
And I restart the app on test fail
And I use device with name android25-test
And I use Android version 7.1
And I use app package com.example.android.apis
And I use app activity .view.Controls1
And I want to record a video of the execution
And I want to user screen resolution 1200 px x 800 px
And I want to capture a network logs of the execution
And I want to set build = myCustomName
And I open app

Scenario: Successfully Transfer Item
	When I navigate to main page
	And I transfer item Jupiter user name antares password secret
	Then I assert that keep me logged is checked
  And I assert that permanent trasnfer is checked
  And I assert that Jupiter right item is selected
  And I assert that antares user name is set

Explanations ————

Given I open Android app with path AssemblyFolder\Demos\ApiDemos.apk in CrossBrowserTesting
And I restart the app on test fail
And I use device with name android25-test
And I use Android version 7.1
And I use app package com.example.android.apis
And I use app activity .view.Controls1
And I want to record a video of the execution
And I want to user screen resolution 1200 px x 800 px
And I want to capture a network logs of the execution
And I want to set build = myCustomName
And I open app

To execute BELLATRIX tests in CrossBrowserTesting cloud, you could use the BrowserStack predefined steps. CrossBrowserTesting integration provides additional steps for capturing video, capturing network logs, build and debug. The last four are optional and have default values.


"browserStack": {
	"gridUri":  "http://hub-cloud.browserstack.com/wd/hub/",
	"user": "soioa1",
	"key":  "pnFG3Ky2yLZ5muB1p46P"

You can find a dedicated section about SauceLabs in testFrameworkSettings.json file under the mobileSettings section. There you can set the grid URL and credentials.