
Learn how to use BELLATRIX Android KeyboardService.


Feature: Navigate to BELLATRIX Online Rocket Shop
	To purchase a new rocket
	As a Nuclear Engineer 
	I want to be able to buy a new rocket.

Given I use app with path AssemblyFolder\Demos\ApiDemos.apk
And I restart the app on test fail
And I use device with name android25-test
And I use Android version 7.1
And I use app package
And I use app activity .view.Controls1
And I open app

Scenario: Successfully Transfer Item
	When I long press key A with meta key Shift
	And I hide the android app keyboard


BELLATRIX gives you predefined steps for easier work with device’s keyboard through KeyboardService class.

I hide the android app keyboard

Hides the keyboard.

I press key Space with meta key Shift

Presses Space key simulating that the Shift key is ON.

I long press key Space with meta key Shift

Long presses Space key simulating that the Shift key is ON.