Troubleshooting- Full Page Screenshots on Fail
Learn how to generate full page screenshots on test's fail.
Feature: CommonServices
In order to use the browser
As a automation engineer
I want BELLATRIX to provide me handy method to do my job
Given I use Firefox browser on Windows
And I reuse the browser if started
And I take a screenshot for failed tests
And I open browser
Scenario: Browser Service Common Steps
When I navigate to URL
And I refresh the browser
When I wait until the browser is ready
And I wait for all AJAX requests to finish
And I maximize the browser
And I navigate to URL
And I click browser's back button
And I click browser's forward button
And I click browser's back button
And I wait for partial URL falcon-9
Given I take a screenshot for failed tests
This is a predefined BELLATRIX step for automatic generation of full-page screenshots. The engine checks after each test, its result, if failed, makes the screenshots. We have a unique engine for the screenshots. We do not use vanilla WebDriver. If you use the WebDriver method, it makes a screenshot only of the visible part of the page. If you have to do it manually precisely, you need thousands of lines of code.
If you open the testFrameworkSettings.json file, you find the screenshotsSettings section that controls this behaviour.
"screenshotsSettings": {
"isEnabled": "true",
"filePath": "C:\\Troubleshooting\\Screenshots"
You can turn off the making of screenshots for all tests and specify where the screenshots to be saved. In the extensibility chapters read more about how you can create different screenshots engine or change the saving strategy.