Execute Tests in Selenium Grid

Learn to use BELLATRIX to execute tests in Selenium Grid.


Feature: Selenium Grid Integration
	In order to use the browser in a Selenium Grid
	As a automation engineer
	I want BELLATRIX to provide me handy method to do my job

Given I open Chrome browser 68 in Grid
And I want to run the browser on Windows platform in Gird
And I restart the browser on test fail
And I resize the browser 1200 px x 800 px
And I open browser

Scenario: Browser Service Common Steps
	When I navigate to URL http://demos.bellatrix.solutions/product/falcon-9/
	And I refresh the browser
	When I wait until the browser is ready
	And I wait for all AJAX requests to finish
	And I maximize the browser
	And I navigate to URL http://demos.bellatrix.solutions/
	And I click browser's back button
	And I click browser's forward button
    And I click browser's back button
	And I wait for partial URL falcon-9


Given I open Chrome browser 68 in Grid
And I want to run the browser on Windows platform in Gird
And I restart the browser on test fail
And I resize the browser 1200 px x 800 px
And I open browser

To use BELLATRIX with Selenium Grid, you should use the Grid predefined steps. You have ones for specifying- browser version and platform type.


"remote": {
     "pageLoadTimeout": "30",
     "scriptTimeout": "1",
     "artificialDelayBeforeAction": "0",
     "gridUri":  ""

You can find a dedicated section about Selenium grid in testFrameworkSettings.json file under the webSettings section. There you can set the grid URL and set some additional timeouts.