Measure Response Times

Learn how to measure text execution times using BELLATRIX web module.


Feature: CommonServices
	In order to use the browser
	As a automation engineer
	I want BELLATRIX to provide me handy method to do my job

Given I use Firefox browser on Windows
And I reuse the browser if started
And I capture HTTP traffic
And I take a screenshot for failed tests
And I record a video for failed tests
And I open browser

Scenario: Browser Service Common Steps
	When I navigate to URL
	And I refresh the browser
	When I wait until the browser is ready
	And I wait for all AJAX requests to finish
	And I maximize the browser
	And I navigate to URL
	And I click browser's back button
	And I click browser's forward button
    And I click browser's back button
	And I wait for partial URL falcon-9



Sometimes it is useful to use your functional tests to measure performance. Or to just make sure that your app is not slow. To do that BELLATRIX libraries offer the @executiontimeunder attribute. You specify a timeout and if the test is executed over it the test will fail.