Web Automation

Learn how to use BELLATRIX Web test framework.


Control browsers with BELLATRIX web module. Ability to restart every time to make sure that new browser comes with new cookies and cache, restart on fail or reused if the previous test’s browser was the same. Learn more

Cloud Providers Integrations

Execute your tests in the popular cloud solutions. Learn more

Capture HTTP Traffic

Capture HTTP traffic is one of the most requested features for WebDriver. However by design WebDriver does not include such feature. Happily, for you, we added it to BELLATRIX. Learn more

Load Testing

Load testing is a kind of performance testing which determines a system’s performance under real-life load conditions. This testing helps to determine how the application behaves when multiple users access it simultaneously. Learn more

Web Extensibility

One of the greatest features of BELLATRIX is test workflow hooks. It gives you the possibility to execute your logic in every part of the test workflow.

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