Learn how to use BELLATRIX IOS AppService.
Feature: Navigate to BELLATRIX Online Calculator
To purchase a new rocket
As a Nuclear Engineer
I want to be able to buy a new rocket.
Given I use app with path AssemblyFolder/Demos/
And I restart the app on test fail
And I use device with name iPhone 6
And I use iOS version 11.3
And I open app
Scenario: Successfully Sum 5 And 6
When I sum 5 and 6
And I background the android app for 2 seconds
And I reset the iOS app
And I remove iOS app with appId
Then I assert answer is 11
BELLATRIX gives you predefined steps for most common operations for controlling the iOS app through the AppService class.class.
When I background the iOS app for 2 seconds
Backgrounds the app for the specified number of seconds.
When I reset the iOS app
Resets the app.
When I launch the iOS app
Launches the app.
When I close the iOS app
Closes the app.
When I install android app with path AssemblyFolder/Demos/
Installs the app file on the device.
When I remove iOS app with appId
Uninstalls the app with the specified app id. You can get your app’s bundleId from XCode.