Add Custom WebDriver Capabilities

Learn how to add custom WebDriver capabilities.


public class CustomWebSteps : DesktopSteps
    [Given(@"Add Custom Driver Capabilities")]
    public void AddCustomWebDriverCapabilities()
        App.AddWebDriverCapability("appArguments", @"MyTestFile.txt");
        App.AddWebDriverCapability("appWorkingDir", @"C:\MyTestFolder\");


App.AddWebDriverCapability("appArguments", @"MyTestFile.txt");
App.AddWebDriverCapability("appWorkingDir", @"C:\MyTestFolder\");

BELLATRIX hides the complexity of initialisation of WebDriver and all related services. In some cases, you need to customise the set up of a app with using WebDriver options or adding driver capabilities. Using the App service methods you can add all of these with ease. Make sure to call them in a step definition method. Later you can call this step in your feature files. These options are used only for the tests in this particular class.